Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello, Again

It's spring and our little birdies are back!

This year we were prepared. Mark bought me a little bird house for her little nest and to protect our hanging plants. Here they would be safe from my constant watering and necessary disturbing of their nest. Last year the plant didn't do so well and I accidentally knocked it over and two eggs fell out while I trying to water around the bird nest. Those two little birdies never made it.

Mother's Day gift from my children! If you were a bird which home would you choose?

Hello, again!

So we hope these will help keep the roots watered and lessen my moving the leaves, etc. to get it watered thoroughly. Hopefully, this year the plant and the birdies can live together.


Ammo and Josh said...

That is the sweetest post! I HEART animals of all kinds. I love their new home! I bet they are happy. :)

Jaime said...

She is one consistent little bird, isn't she? HOw very cool that she keeps choosing you to come back to to protect her babies.

ASRussell said... you'll have to let me know hoe the aqua globe works...I have been wanting to get some...

Rebecca said...

i can't believe she came back again! i love it!

The Ward Family Tree and All of It's Branches! said...

She'll probably choose you in Heaven also!!!

Unknown said...

Oh what cute little birdies! I wish some would come and live in our yard!