Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome to grandchild #13, little Allie

Here she is, Alexandria Stringham, or Allie as she is called. She was born May 29, 2009 around 3:30 pm, Renton, Washington. She weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz and was 19.5 inches long. Of James and Jamie's 3 kids she looks the most like the Stringham side. The other two have strong Argo genes - which are beautiful, by the way. Unfortunately, I was at home sick and unable to babysit the other two or help in any way. Jamie updated her Twitter account (which transferred to her facebook account) before, during and after the birth. How wonderful of her! I sat by my laptop morning and afternoon.

Isn't she beautiful!

Ryan and Emily seem pretty excited about having a baby sister. When I called James yesterday he put me on speaker phone so I could talk to them. Ryan said she was little, but when I tried to talk to Emily about her, she started talking about fruit rollups. Made me chuckle! They were excited for us to see Allie, leading us right to her, showing us her blankie and bottle nipples.

We got to take James and the kids out to Red Robin for dinner which is always a treat for Gma and Gpa. Jamie's mom "Grammy" stayed with Jamie and Allie and we brought Jamie back dinner.

We're feeling very blessed!


Kari said...

Congratulations on #13! I'm glad you posted pictures... this is the first I've seen of little Allie!

Rebecca said...

Man! You sure do have cute grandbabies! ;) Allie is no exception... she's beautiful. Can't wait to meet her.

Ammo and Josh said...

CUTE! Love those healthy cheeks! What a beauty!

ASRussell said...

Congratulations Grandma!!! She is so sweet!

Jaime said...

Congratulations to everyone. She is a very pretty little baby.

Unknown said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!

kelly said...

congrats to all!
gorgeous girl!

The Dillon 6 said...

Hooray!!! I am sorry I didn't see this update until today. I knew she'd had that sweet girl, though. Congrats, Grandma & Grandpa!!

The J's said...

your new layout looks great, now it's time for a new blog!!!!!