Thursday, January 31, 2008


Okay, this is my first time at this. Sorry if it is a little plain. I'll need someone's help to learn to make this blog attractive.

Here goes:

1. How long have you been married? 35 1/2 years.

2. How long did you date? Our first date was in November and we were married the next April. (What can I say -- when it is right, it is right!)

3. How old is he? 61 years old in March.

4. Who eats more? I can probably eat more at one time. But overall, I think we eat about the same. Hence, we weigh close to the same.

5. Who said, "I Love You", first? I really can't remember, but I'm guessing he did since he is more romantic than I! (i.e. flowers, love notes, candy, etc.)

6. Who is taller? Mark, by about 5 inches.

7. Who sings better? I do! I think I was the first to tell him he sings off key, and he was really surprised. However, he does sing with gusto! And that makes me smile.

8. Who is smarter? Depends! He is in politics, history, computer and math. I ask him as many questions about these subjects as I google. He may disagree, but I am better at test-taking, medical stuff, science, teaching and cultural things. We are about the same in gospel knowledge, but in different ways.

9. Who does the laundry? Over the years, I have definitely done more laundry. However, he helped enormously when I was getting my nursing degree and still doesn't hesitate to put in a load, when needed. And he never complains! I just find a load in the dryer the next day! And if I am folding them in his presence, he helps.

10. Who does the dishes? In the evening, he generally helps. And again, he helps other times when needed. And he always helps with the dishes when we have a big family dinner at our house.

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? It depends! Mark usually tries to take the middle of the bed.

12. Who pays the bills? Me!

13. Who mows the lawn? It was mostly me or our children for a long time. Now, he generally does, but when he is working a lot, I do it. Actually, I like mowing the lawn! And Mark has to deal with hay fever.

14. Who cooks dinner? Mostly, me. However, he is good at getting dinner, when needed. (mostly, soup, chili or PB sandwich)

15. Who is more stubborn? That is an easy one! He wins in the stubborn department, but luckily, not about very many things. I'm the pouty one!

16. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first, I thought he would be too shy, so I just waited. However, it didn't take him that long to get around to it.

17. Who asked who out? Our first date was a blind date. I worked with his roommate, Bill. I had just broken up with another guy and had nothing to do that weekend. Bill (who was dating a friend of mine) asked if I wanted to go with him and one of his roommates. Bill and I talked the whole time at the game and Mark was quiet and polite. We did talk after we dropped Bill off at the apartment. I immediately liked him and it was getting close to Preference Ball at BYU, so I preferred him.

18. Who proposed? Mark! I was totally surprised that he did it so soon. I knew I would marry him and I thought that, he being shy, would take a long time to get around to it. I was hoping maybe some time around June, when he graduated. However, he asked me in February. He immediately wanted to call my dad and ask for my hand, so imagine his surprise when I told him I had not even mentioned him to my parents. He was brave, but it was a very uncomfortable moment when he talked to my dad! My dad, said something to the effect that he trusted my judgement, but that they would like to meet him.

19. Who has more friends? I do. But, everyone who really knows Mark likes him. I can't say the same for me.

20. Who has more siblings? I do. He has 3 sisters. I have 7 brothers and 5 sisters.

21. Who am I tagging? Jenn. I think everyone else whose blogs I read have been tagged and have responded. If not, I tag those who haven't yet been tagged.

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The Dillon 6 said...

what a great way to start your Blogging Life! :)

I'm totally laughing at the awkward, uncomfortable conversation with your Dad! It must have been so awful! Clearly, your judgement was good, though!!

Or we'd all see you pouting about it...

The Dillon 6 said...

ps -- lucky for you, Becca is a GENIUS when it comes to blogs. Pass her your password for an hour and then Look Out ~ You'll be amazed! (but what you've got is great, too!)

jjstringham said...

Yay! It's nice to see an actual post here. :-) Although it is kind of weird to think of the two of you when you were still dating. . . . you mean you weren't ALWAYS married with grandkids???

Our Beautiful Life said...

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? It depends! Mark usually tries to take the middle of the bed.

Ah ha! So that's where Brian got it.

Rebecca said...

That was so fun to read! It's true though... it's weird to think about your parents before they were actually your parents! (If that makes sense!) ;)

Mark and Jennifer said...

Thanks Becca for walking me through the blog and decorating my blogging site! I'm need to scan a picture of Mark and I when we were first married -- as soon as I find one I like.

kelly said...

i LOVE that you have a blog!
maybe we can get barb bloggin'.
its great reading about you two.

Mark and Jennifer said...

Hi, Kelly, I would love for Barb to have a blog. However, for me, it takes an enormous amount of time since I am a novice. So my postings may be sparse.

Jaime said...

Great to see you blogging! I loved reading about you two. What a sweet love you two have.

Rosanne said...

I really enjoyed reading your bog page Jenny and seeing what a cute family you have. The grandkids are just adorable!