Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sowing the Seeds of Compassion

As I was driving to the temple Friday, the radio was announcing the arrival of the Dalai Lama, exiled spiritual and political leader of Tibet. He was here in Seattle for a "Seeds of Compassion" conference. The goal was to discover and share ways to teach children how to be more compassionate as a way of changing the increasing violence throughout the world. They had many people from the medical, scientific and religious fields giving us the results of their many studies. Now, I'm so grateful to all spiritual, political , social, scientific and religious leaders that are honestly trying to encourage less violence in today's world. But.........

I am always saddened when there is no mention of the one source of all truth, pure love, total compassion and worldwide peace or of His teachings!

They did conclude at this conference that children learn compassion from seeing others and imitating their behaviors.

I was blessed to see so many compassionate actions and works just the last two weeks:

Tommy consoling Blake after Blake tried to take his game away and we told Blake he needed to wait until Tommy was finished, then he would have his turn. Blake broke into tears. Tommy gave him big hug and then let him play with him. Blake, or course, not knowing how to play messed everything up and Tommy resigned to just let Blake play the game himself.

Mary bringing not just one meal over to Maria (who is experiencing a lot of nausea from her pregnancy - which increases when she cooks or even moves), but also bringing over many frozen meals that Maria could store and use whenever. How compassionate!! And I know she is fighting back pain each day!

Little Jenna going to church with Grandma and Grandpa and impressing her teachers when a little girl from her Sunbeam class broke into tears because she wanted her mom. I was told that Jenna immediately got off her chair and walked over to little Ellie and gave her a big hug and sat down beside her. To everyone's surprise, Ellie stopped crying and she and Jenna became friends.

There is no greater place of peace and compassion than the temple. Here is Kristina with her husband, LeGrand Fry. I was most impressed with LeGrand watching how he treated his father, who suffers brain damage related to a bad car accident when the other driver suffering seizures, lost control and crashed his car into the car of LeGrand's father. LeGrand, both on his wedding day and the week before at the temple with his family, was very attentive to his dad. He frequently found his dad, talked to him, patted his shoulder, worried about whether he was getting tired, and generally looked out for him. I was really touched! Great guy, Kristina!!

My mom, never leaving my father's side, and lovingly worrying about if he was too tired, needing to use the restrooms, was hungry, needed a tissue and always noticed when he was trying to say or ask for something.

The Dalai Lama was right, children do learn and are influenced in a positive or negative way by what they see and experience -- from parents, leaders, teachers and from other children.
"...By small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise." Alma 37:6


The J's said...

They were some nice stories... thanks!

The Dillon 6 said...

beautiful thoughts! Thank you for sharing them.

Jaime said...

I love this post! Thanks for sharing this, you are right, we all need to remember our SAvior & his teachings. What great reminders that you have given us through this post.

Sure wish we could have been at the wedding, I heard it was beautiful.

Groverfam said...

those are beautiful thoughts. If only we all recognized these simple acts of kindness and service and tried to magnify them in our own lives- we would all live in a world of peace. by the way, on my website post- if you want to see the video, click on the underlined reflections of christ- it will follow the link to the website.

Rebecca said...

very sweet and touching...
the older i get the more i understand that it is the small things that mean the most... or at least the things that seem small to us at the time.

Unknown said...

What sweet moments you caught on camera. I was so busy taking group pictures that sometimes it is hard to capture the small but precious moments of the day. It was good to see you.

Amanda said...

Thank you so much for this post. I always need a good pick me up and reminder of the blessings of lifes little moments and the joy the gospel brings into my life! Precious!