Saturday, May 3, 2008

God's Hall of Fame

Happy Mother's Day to Mom!!
(Betty Jane Merrell Lee)

My mom as a baby

Mom singing with her sisters,
(L to R) Judy, Mom, Jessie and Nancy
(They were asked to sing at lots of events)

And as a great-grandmother

"Being a king, emperor, or president is mighty small potatoes compared to being a mother. Commanding an army is little more than sweeping a street compared with training a boy or girl. The mother of Moses did more for the world than all the kings that Egypt ever had. Oh, you wait until you reach the mountains of eternity, then read the mothers' names in
God's Hall of Fame"
Billy Sunday, American Athlete and Christian Evangelist

One of my favorite memories of my mom is her singing. She has a beautiful alto voice! When we were little, she would sing while we were traveling in the car. I think she started singing when the fighting and quarreling began. It helped calm us down. She knew so many songs and singing made the time pass quickly!! I can still remember many of those songs. In fact the other day I sang one of those songs, "Playmates, Come Out And Play With Me" , to my granddaughter, Jenna. She ask me to sing it to her about 5 times. (And usually she doesn't like me to sing!)


The Dillon 6 said...

Dana cries when I sing a certain "special" song to her...I think it's because she thinks it's nap time.

I'm glad you have had better luck with your grandkids ~ and that you have fond memories of your Mom singing to you. :)

The J's said...

She is so beautiful!!! What a nice Mother's Day gift!

Unknown said...

Oh I love the pictures of Grandma! I copied the picture of her as a baby. Happy mother's day to you too!

Rebecca said...

such a sweet woman!
i love your quote on mothers!

BonnieKaye said...

I found your blog & enjoyed checking it out. I love the pictures of Grandma. It's been quite some time since I've last seen her. I'm so excited to be living closer family soon.

The Ward Family Tree and All of It's Branches! said...

Thanks for honoring mom so well!! I should have thought of it. Oh well, you get the wonderful daughter prize.