Sunday, May 4, 2014

3 March 2014 Mission Letter

3 March 2014

Hi Everyone,


     Well, not my best week.  Made a few blunders.  First, I made travel arrangements for one of the couples and it wasn’t exactly where they wanted it.  They were polite, but I felt incompetent.   One day, I wondered why I hadn’t received very many calls the last few days.  I checked my phone and whoops!  I had turned off the volume for Church and forgot to turn it back on.  Quite a few calls not answered or returned including some from the President.  Well, the President actually just called Elder Stringhams phone and asked to talk to me.  I wondered why!!  The President puts out a weekly letter to the missionaries, but I start it for him with comments, etc from the office staff.  I had started it, but forgot to email it to him so I had to trek over to the office in the frigid weather last night and send it to him from the office.  I think I will be forwarding them to my home computer from now on.  There were a few others but don’t have time to list them all.  I have always known and worried about my memory issues, but now they are starting to catch up with me and it causes me a lot of anxiety and confuses others.  I think I need a little divine intervention!  Prayers on my behalf welcomed!


Zone Conferences are over and luckily we did not need to shut down the mission for weather.  Zone Conferences is where all the missionaries in a zone get together for instructions, counsel and training.  But, the office couples check all the cars for cleanliness (at least on the inside for now), proper maintenance, everything working as they should and no dings, scratches or hanging bumpers, etc.  Elder and Sister Shelley get to do that while Elder Stringham and I get to stay in the nice warm Mission Office.  We had 3 Zone Conferences…..Des Moines area, Iowa City area and Nauvoo, Illinois area.   So for 3 days we manned the office!  It is a little tricky to do a 4 person job with 2 people.  The mail is by far the biggest thing to handle while the Shelleys are gone.  All the missionary mail comes through the office because of frequent transfers!  Heavens….286 missionaries getting their mail forwarded.  The most confusing are the packages!  Only priority mail gets forwarded… is free.  The rest we put on a desk for the APs to take it by or wait until a Zone Conferences.  I think the instructions to the parents and their new missionaries is to only send their packages priority mail.  Some of these missionaries will not be getting their late Valentine’s packages until after St. Patrick’s Day when we have another round of Zone Conferences.  I love seeing the letters come through.  Some are decorated all over the letter!  It looks so cute and sweet and then I have to blackened most of the front of the letter to be able to forward it.  I mess it up terribly!


Being on a mission, you see lots of tender mercies!  Especially for the missionaries!  With all the snow and icy roads around you would think we would be having many, many accidents.  Mostly we have had just little fender benders because someone in front of them tried to slow down and swerved into them or they slipped off the road trying to take a curve.  Today, after it snowed last night,  it is supposed to get to a high of 1 degree with the low of -15….not counting the wind chill factor…..and wind is a given in Iowa.  Think of “Little House on the Prairie” scenes….snow and wind!  By the way, north of us is a place where Laura Ingalls Wilder and family lived for a short time.  I need to get there sometime this summer. 


Missionary work is humbling!  Just when you think you have everything down someone calls and wants to know why they didn’t receive a certain report or calendar.  What?  So I have to hunt down where I get the reports and just which calendars are appropriate for them to have.    Our Mission President is fairly new and when I ask him he just looks confused!   Someone called a couple of days ago asking for a lot of information.  I could only find part of what she needed.  Her comment was, “I’m sure there is still a lot of learning going on when you are so new!”  Yep, she got that right!!  On top of that, I have this memory problem.  I have taken to writing everything down that I need to do and check it off when it is done.  So now I have an ongoing ledger of everything I do!  Still seeing how it works out! 


In two weeks the Senior Couples all get to meet in Nauvoo for a Conference and Temple Session.  We will be having Brother Durrant, Susan Easton Black’s husband, speak to us.  I hear he is wonderful and she is an ordinance worker at the temple so we will see her at the conference, too!  I am so excited for this!  I have missed my weekly visits to the temple.  What a peaceful and glorious place to be.  Just thinking about the first Nauvoo Temple being burned down because of hatred towards the Mormons makes me so grateful to those pioneers and all they sacrificed on our behalf.  And now there is a new one…..replica of the first!  Can hardly wait!  Praying for good weather so it doesn’t get postponed!


Well, better get to the office!  As always, love hearing from you and love you all!!!




Elder and Sister Stringham 



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