Sunday, May 4, 2014

5 January and 12 January Mission Letters

5 January 2013

Humbled by all the Converts!

Today was Fast and Testimony Meeting.  A lot of converts bore their testimonies today.  One lady was converted many years ago.  In her life she had several different friends and neighbors who were LDS and were great examples to her.  Finally, one neighbor family asked them if she and her family would like to hear about the church.  They did and her husband is now a member of the Stake Presidency!  

Out of the 51 black members in our ward, 49 are refugees from Africa …… specifically Liberia and Sudan.  Several of them shared their testimonies. They have great faith…..but three of the things they struggle with is getting up early to come to church (so we keep the 11:00 am schedule), the cold weather (can you imagine coming from Africa to Iowa), and baptism for the dead (not sure why but would love to talk to them…probably a cultural thing related to their spirits).  They love Jesus and are vocal about it.  They are little shy about sharing their testimonies in Sacrament Meeting or speaking up in classes!  But today several took the long trek up to the microphone and shared their simple testimonies!  One man talked about baptism for the dead in his testimony and told the other Sudanese and Liberians that if the church was true, then baptism for the dead is also true and not to doubt.  One of the things I love about the Liberian and Sudanese ladies is they wear their native styles of dresses and they are so colorful!  It brightens up the whole congregation!  Their little girls have the tiny braids with beads and look stunning! 

Well, we are surviving the cold!  The Mission Office is warm and our apartment is toasty warm.  We are grateful we brought our electric blanket.  The predictions is that we will get to -17 degrees tonight and into tomorrow, but with a wind chill factor that will make it feel like -42 degrees.  I will never complain about rain again!  It is humbling to think of the pioneers who walked through the state of Iowa in cold weather such as this.  I don’t know if I can ever thank enough those faithful Saints who suffered and sacrificed so much to bring the gospel out west so the Church could grow and thrive!  I wonder if I even know how to sacrifice!

12 January 2014

It has been a good week.  We are feeling a little more comfortable with our assignments and duties.  Mark keeps getting calls from missionaries whose phones stopped working, got lost, or stopped working.  Missionaries have rules for their phones.  Most missionaries are very obedient and keep the rules, but some are talking for 5 hours at a time at night to who knows who.  I have been busy helping some missionaries who are what we call “visa waiters”, who are waiting for their visas to a foreign country.  Brazil has decided that a police report wasn’t good enough anymore for these young men.  They now need an FBI report along with the fingerprinting.  So I am helping these missionaries get these applications filled out and sent in.  We also have some who have not gotten the flu shots and there is an outbreak of the ‘bird flu” in Iowa and we are trying to get them to get it done pronto. 

Today we were supposed to teach the 5/6 CTR class.  Then they needed a subs for the nursery.  The Elders are not allowed to hold children and that would make it hard for these young missionaries.  So at the last minute Mark and I switched with them.  We had 12 very young children in there.  We did not know any names (not enough time to tell us), no lesson book, snack time was over by the time we got in there.  As soon as the regular teachers left several started crying and several started grabbing toys from each other.  Well, after about 5 minutes we got that under control and they kept us hopping just trying to find games, toys, etc. to keep them entertained.  The class ended well because we found the bubbles and that was fun.  I hope those young Elders enjoyed all the activities I had planned for the 5/6 year olds. 

We have a new MLS Senior Couple who moved right next door to our apartment.  He is a former university professor and she is a family therapist.  He loves anthropology and different cultures and she just loves people.  They were warmly welcomed by our Bishop who has his hands full with his multicultural ward.  The Lord seems to know just where certain people are needed.

The weather has warmed up to 51 degrees today…..felt balmy, but not all the snow has melted.  I think during our frigid weather it must have frozen to the center of the earth.  The Des Moines River still looks frozen on top.  Looking forward to spring.

Miss you all very much! 

Elder and Sister Stringham

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