Monday, March 24, 2008

Politics and Caucuses

This Saturday morning I had the exciting privilege of being a delegate for our precinct at the legislative district caucus. It was exciting to see how it works. I have attended a caucus only once before and it was such a small precinct that it was held in a home. I never got any further than that caucus. Now being a chosen delegate I get to see so much more of the workings. Our job was to select delegates that will represent us at the state convention in Spokane in May. The goal of the state convention is to eventually narrow the state delegates down to 40 (I think!)that will represent the State of Washington in September at the National Convention.

I am grateful for a country that allows us to choose. However, I am a little concerned that at this caucus we had to choose from a list of people we knew nothing about and would not recognize them if they stood in front of us. Many were nominated before the caucus and their names were just on a list. They were not allowed to even give us 15-30 second introduction of themselves, who they would vote for and what they stood for. Those nominated at the caucus at the last minute were able to do so. You would think that there is the only one presidential candidate being represented and that this caucus is all just a formality. But, not so! Several former presidential candidates have some pretty loyal supporters here and therefore they all plan to vote for their favorite candidate at all the future caucuses right up to and including the national convention. So here I was at this table of 6, asking people who and what they knew about the nominees on the list. Pretty scary way to nominate someone to represent my values for the most powerful governmental job in the world!!

But, I get to be a delegate at the King County Convention where these rules and policies can be addressed and possibly changed.
Great experience!! And I love this country!!


Rebecca said...

that's pretty cool that you were able to do that. it's not quite how i pictured it... where were you living the first time you went a caucus?

The Dillon 6 said...

how did I miss this posting?

The whole Caucas/Delegate/Super Delegate thing blows my mind. I just don't understand how it all works. I don't think I ever got past the Electoral College in HS...and even THAT was a mystery to me.

Can't wait to hear more about the King County Convention!!