Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a great day!

First of all, we give thanks to all those who gave their lives serving our country and preserving our freedoms!

We had our usual Stringham Family Memorial Day picnic at our house. The weather really cooperated and it was just right -- not too hot and no rain!

The picnic

The trampoline is always a hit!

Davie loved Ernie and took it on the trampoline with him. This Ernie plays the guitar and sings when you push a certain button! Catie looking on!

Bubbles are always fun and they especially like it when they get to pour the solution themselves into smaller and more manageable containers.

Now this is interesting! Audrey lies on the trampoline, then Jason jumps really hard which makes Audrey bounce high and then he catches her!

And the littles ones love the sandbox!

Brian, Rebecca, Maria and James and all their family were able to attend! And we also had Jean and Neal Kidd (Jason Kidd's parents) celebrate with us. Jean and I managed to hide a few minutes in the trailer and just talk. Missed you J's!
Towards the end of the day, the older children talked me into playing a modified game of treasure hunt. I would hide an object (red ball) and then give clues until they could find it. For some reason they really love this simple game. Unfortunately, we were having so much fun, that we once left the backyard gate open and Jenna, Emily and Davie escaped and were found by some neighbors walking down our street in the middle of the road! Horrors! I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about that one. I think there were busy guardian angels at out house yesterday!

All in all it was a great day!


Rebecca said...

that was such a fun get together! the kids had such a great time too! love all the fun pictures! next time we'll have to put someone on gate watch!

Our Beautiful Life said...

We really had a great time, and thankfully both girls were so worn out that they gladly came home, took a bath and went to bed. And the best part: Jenna only got up ONCE during the night and then was up for the day at 7! Woohoo! I guess we need to have get togethers every day so that Jenna can exhaust herself so she'll sleep!
Thank you for all of your hard work to make it such an enjoyable evening!

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. That is scary about the kids escaping the backyard. I miss having memorial day picnics with my family.

The Dillon 6 said...

Even if the gate had been closed and locked, David would have led them to freedom. ;) I'm very glad they were all OK, though!!

Looks like it was a super-fun afternoon.