Tuesday, June 3, 2008


It's pretty boring for you all when the only thing to comment on in my life is the weather. But, I think I missed ALL of spring here when I was on vacation to Pennsylvania! We usually have spring throughout April and May! Now, Memorial Day was OK, but not what I would call spring!! I was little depressed when I looked at the extended forecast and saw rain/showers for the next 7 days. Mark snuck home yesterday and quickly mowed the lawn in between sprinkles. I have been sick for the past 3 days and forgot to cover my little sandbox and it is filled with 1/4 sand and 3/4 rain. Ok now, I apologize for my trivial complaints. Well, I plan to babysit Jenna tomorrow while Mary and Brian take Catie for an orthopedic check up and she always brings sunshine to my heart.

Oh, I almost forgot! We now have new energy efficient double pane windows throughout the house. They look great and most importantly, they look so nice and clean. (Our old aluminum double pane storm windows from 20 years ago had managed to get moisture in between the windows which left water drip marks -- impossible to clean the picture window in the front, which also had a large crack in it, and the sliding glass door in the back) Our old sliding glass door to the deck has been impossible (except for the strong) to open for nearly 10 years, because the handle had broken and we had to grab the up-and-down lock to pull it open. It's wonderful to be able to open it now without bracing myself! And since Mark is a "pay-as-you-go" person, we have waited patiently for them! I absolutely love them!

See how helpful blogging is -- I started out complainy and ended up feeling very grateful!

Well, hopefully next time I will have something more exciting than windows and weather to talk about!!


Unknown said...

Well sorry the weather is rainy. I miss the rain. Utah is too hot and dry. I keep trying to get my mom to post something on her blog but she is too busy. She didn't even know she had comments on her blog until I told her.

Rebecca said...

i'm with you on the weather! it's bummin me out too!... but i am so excited about your new windows! i can't wait to see them... i loved how clean my windows were when we first moved in. now it doesn't matter how hard i try, they never look clean! now let's just hope you'll get some sun rays shining through your new windows SOON! ;)

The Dillon 6 said...

Becca and I did a drive-by a couple of weeks ago and saw the sign in your yard...new windows are VERY exciting! I'm jealous that all of your window tracks and clean and sparkly! ;)

Eventually we'll get sun, right? RIGHT?!