Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hanging Planters and Laundry

Every year I buy a hanging planter for my front door. I love flowers and plants and there are some beautiful hanging planters to be found in this area. I work at keeping the plant watered, fed and looking nice.

Every year, I see a few of the flowers starting to die. This year when I spotted the first wilted, brown leaves and dried up flowers I knew exactly what was happening!

When the birds build their nest, the roots right under the nest do not get water and soon dry up. So, I need to water it more carefully, trying not to disturb the nest, yet get water as close to the roots under nest as I can. I hope I can revive the damaged plant and keep it looking nice. While I am doing this the mother bird is going crazy, flying around me and making clicking noises! This is her home, her babies and she does not want me near it. Maybe next year I should just buy a cute bird nest and hang it there.

The Decision Has Been Made

Okay, after one week of doing my laundry at a laundromat, we have chosen our next washer and dryer. It was a hard decision -- well mostly for Mark because he is more careful about his purchases. We tried to find the best quality, the best deal, best energy saver, but, it really came down to what would fit in our laundry room. We only have so much room between the wall and the door. We have ordered it and depending on which warehouse it is in we should get it within a couple of weeks. Thanks to all for your suggestions. It helped to know what features are the most important!

The plus side of the laundromat -- four loads of laundry done in 70 minutes. You also meet all kinds of people there and I like to people watch. I had complete strangers helping me take the laundry from the car to the laundromat and from the laundromat back to the car. Do I look that old or are there just some really nice people around this neighborhood?


Rebecca said...

i can't believe that you have another birds next in your hanging plant this year! how cool!... i have the hardest time keeping my hanging baskets from wilting. i don't know what my problem is.

LUCKY YOU! very nice choice on the washer & dryer! i bet you're going to love it!

Our Beautiful Life said...

I love that you have a birds nest again! That's so cool.

Congrats on the washer and dryer, very nice! I can't believe you went to the laundromat do to your laundry! You certainly could have come here, the girls would have loved having you here!

Jaime said...

I thought of you when I saw the coupon in the costco coupon book. I'm glad you got something you will be happy with. I would love to have that set too.

Loe the hanging basket story with the birds nest. How funny! Jsut think of the sweet sounds you will hear when those eggs hatch. Hope we get to see pictures.

Angie Startin said...

At least you have a good, cute excuse for your plant not surviving well. Every year I buy hanging flowers and every year I kill them. Never fails. Maybe next year I will get smart (realistic) and not buy them. Probably not:) OH, and congrats on the new W/D!!! I am JEALOUS!

The Dillon 6 said...

The bird's nest is so exciting!! How brave of you to water your beloved plant anyway. That Momma bird would probably scare me away.

Totally thought of you when we saw the Costco ad for those -- did Becca send you the email?! We love our Duets ~ I hope YOU'RE happy, too!!

You are also CORRECT about the people at a laundrymat. I am at once frightened and amused. ;) We used one for 2 years when Laurel was a baby...an interesting place to try and occupy a child.