Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

This is only a snippet of our nativity. There is nothing sweeter than children performing it. Trust me when I say it only gets sweeter with the shepherds, angels and wise men. but the whole video was too big to upload. I chuckle at all the promptings from the audience. I hope Becca posts some of her pictures from the nativity so you can see the whole cast.

Our Christmas Eve was wonderful. Brian, Becca, Maria and James and their families all came over for our usual buffet of yummy food and goodies, lots of conversation, kids playing all over the house, our nativity and of course the opening of presents from family members. I got a little nervous during the day when it started snowing again, but all my kids braved the snow and icy roads (worst in my neighborhood) and came anyway. We missed Jason, Jenn, Jaylee and Jeni, but loved talking to them all for awhile on the phone. Hope all of you had a great Christmas, too!

**Edited: To see more pictures of our cute nativity with the grandkids, check out Becca's Blog.


The J's said...

Thank you soooo much for posting this... we can't wait to see the whole thing!!!

The Dillon 6 said...

You just keep getting better and better! I love the seeing the pictures every year! Merry Christmas!!

Rebecca said...

so cute! i'll work on downloading the pics and sending you some so you can add them to your post!

Rebecca said...

ps... i thought it was so cute this year... one of the best yet!

kelly said...

what a wonderful tradition!
i think we should try it next year...

Jaime said...

I love that you have this tradition. How fun. I would love to do this with my family, maybe next year. Merry Christmas.