Monday, January 5, 2009

A Little Bit of a Scare!

Dad was admitted to the hospital early Monday morning for weakness, nausea and pneumonia. Mom came later in the day and that made him happy.

Granddaughter, Jenny, came to visit with a froggy balloon! That perked him up.

Myron and Sue came to vist with an autographed copy of their son (Arthurs') first published book. ("Partners Again") Myron read the first few pages and had mom laughing out loud. It is a book geared to 10-12 year old boys.

Both catching a little catnap! He's was stable when I left this evening. They won't release him until his oxygen levels are normal and his vomiting/aspiration his resolved. A big thanks to Myron and Sue. Ed, Mary Jane and Carrie Anne who have offered to stay with him for a periods of time so Rose could take a much needed break!
It's always scary when someone his age gets pneumonia, but with Parkinsons' disease it makes it even more worrisome. It's hard to see him become more and more dependent on others to care for him. This is the man who always took care of us and worked such long days, and for a greater part of his life he probably averaged only about 4-5 hours of sleep a night to be able to accomplish that.


Jaime said...

Thank heaven for family. I shed a few tears at the news of grandpa today. I hope he gets healthy.

kelly said...

thanks for the update jenny.
i'm happy to hear he's more stable.

The Mendenhall's said...

I am glad he is doing better.He had us all a little nervous. He and Grandma look so sweet in those pictures.

The Dillon 6 said...

You look like your Mom, don't you? I'm glad you're close enough to get down to see them.

Angie Startin said...

Thank you for this post. Thank you for keeping us all updated on Grandma and Grandpa. I am so grateful for technology sometimes! I am glad that there are people there with him and that he is getting stable.

The J's said...

We'll be thinking of you BOTH today!! Please keep us updated!

Rebecca said...

glad he's doing better and is at home. rose is amazing! could grandma & grandpa be any sweeter?