Monday, January 19, 2009

Grandpa and Grandma Lee and Tweety

It's not a mockingbird, but I don't know any song about parakeets. And this is one of the many songs my mom used to sing to us.

Rose and John bought mom and dad a parakeet for Christmas. His name is Tweety and he has become fast friends with mom. He chirps at her a lot, especially, if she leaves the room or falls asleep.

When she goes over to the cage, he cocks his head to one side, is very calm and acts like he's listening to every word she is saying. Mom sometimes will whistle to him and he will sing/chirp right back to her. I think they are the best of friends!

Now, when Rose goes over there he starts flapping his wings and flying around the cage in a panic. She thinks Tweety must hate her. But, maybe he is partial to white hair. He was nice to me when I was playing around with him. (P.S. - I don't know what the little circle is on the side of Rose's head - must have been something on my camera lense)

My mom still takes good care of my dad. She insits on ironing his clothes before he gets dressed, even if he never leaves the house. I thought the pants were fine - I wouldn't have even put them through the touch up cycle on my dryer.

And when I was going to take his picture, she insisted that she comb his hair first. (I tried just running my hands through his hair, just to straighten it a little, but she was right behind me with a comb.)

Mom told dad to smile. The Parkinson's gives him the "mask-like" affect, but if you look carefully you can see a hint of a smile. Dad is so much stronger now. He is easier to get up and around and seems to have his appetite back. I wasn't so sure he was going to bounce back this well when I last saw him in the hospital! I'm sure we can thank Rose for her great care and mom for being his best friend, nurturing him and giving him a good reason for wanting to stay on this earth!


Jaime said...

i love the bird idea. that must give them plenty of entertainment. I love that she irons his pants too, how cute is that. and I love the pictures you took of grandpa, he looks so handsome & I can see his smile.

The J's said...

Wonderful!!! I hope Jason and I can be as good to each other as your parents are!!

Rebecca said...

i can totally see grandpa's smile!
what a great gift with the bird.
glad they're doing well.

The Dillon 6 said...

our generation has lost the fine art of homemaking and with that I fear that we will lose the gentle love that we will need later in life. Your parents are beautiful, and I love the bird!

Rosanne said...

Mom really enjoyed seeing this blog and her little tweety bird in it. She just doesn't know how "I" put all these pictures on it. I assured her it wasn't I (I don't hardly post pitures on my blog!). She loved seeing pictures of Dad and Uncle Jerry. I love the song you chose to go with Tweety's picture. I don't know why he doesn't like me. Maybe I should stop dying my hair!

Unknown said...

Sweet photos! I am flying home tomorrow, so I will see if Tweety likes me better than my mom!

kelly said...

what a sweet wife grandma is!
and tweety sounds like perfect company!

Groverfam said...

I love that you blog so much about Gma and Gpa. I find that I learn more about them now than I ever have. What great examples they are to us all- shoot my husband is lucky if I hang his clothes up in the closet, most of the time he is digging them out of the dryer, that they have been sitting in for days.