Sunday, February 8, 2009


Just as an update! Jerry hasn't bounced back totally since his hospitalization in mid-December. A couple of times when Mom, Dad and I visited him he was totally drowsy. He couldn't focus on dominoes at all. They wondered if maybe he was in pain and gave him pain meds which helped some. He has failed his last two swallow studies. I went with him to a GI specialists who has recommended a J-peg feeding to the abdomen. Dad and I agreed to have this done, since he has been losing some weight and hasn't been focusing on eating either (very unusual for Jerry). We haven't heard when that will be done, yet. Probably soon. He also fell while doing PT therapy at a table. He was putting clothes pins on a board. One fell on the floor and he reached down to get it and fell, breaking his collar bone. So he is on Vicodin for that, has his right arm in a sling to restrict movement and surprisingly he was a lot more alert and focused when I visited him at his doctor's appointment. He got a little flirty, so I'm guessing he's feeling pretty good on the Vicodin, but still unfocused. He has another appointment the end of this month for a neurological checkup to see if there is anything going on there. They continue to take him out in the community for activities which he really enjoys. He loves getting cards in the mail.


BonnieKaye said...

What is Jerry's address? I would love to send him a card even though he wouldn't know me. Thanks for the update!

The Dillon 6 said...

Vicadin can make anyone flirty! ;) Glad Jerry seems to be feeling better. He is fortunate to have such a great family.

Rebecca said...

thanks for the update!
i need his address too.

Jaime said...

thank for updating us. He is very lucky to have you guys taking care of him. Can you email me his address, I'd love to send him a Valentine's card.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update and for al you do! Uncle Jerry has been on my mind since your last post about him.