Friday, July 18, 2008

Birds and Babysitting Grandkids

Remember the bird nest and the 4 little eggs? While watering it (carefully, I thought) I accidentally knocked it over and two of the eggs fell out. I couldn't find them, but Mark did and scooped them up with a spoon and put them back into the nest. One of the eggs was a little cracked! The mama bird was going crazy at first, then just perched on bush and waited!

The next day when I looked there were only two left. At first I thought she had disposed of the two eggs that had fallen out. Not so ... after a few days Mark and noticed that she had not been around for a few days. I took the nest out and noticed that it was the cracked egg and one other that was left. I'm guessing she must have moved the other two eggs somewhere else. But, I'm not sure! I'm tryng to figure out how such a tiny bird could transport two eggs to another location!

Then Mark noticed that there was a bird flying in and out of another planter I had hanging on the back deck! I looked today and sure enough there is another nest and four new little bird eggs! The birds surely like the flowers!

However, this time they are safe. You see, the flowers are plastic and silk. (I usually put them out in the winter just for color). Hopefully, we will see little birdies soon.

Now on to the grandkids. I'm always amazed how busy little ones can be. Here are Emily and Ryan! In less than 30 minutes they had played with playdough, created some art projects with glue and scissors, had a snack, jumped on the trampoline and played in the sandbox. Then they started all over again! These two are very good at keeping themselves entertained and only needed help once in awhile. Therefore, I was able to do a lot of laundry. And, by the way, so far I love my new washer/dryer.


Rebecca said...

i am so glad that the mamma bird didn't abandon the two eggs! what a fun story... can't wait to see the pictures of when they hatch!

The Dillon 6 said...

Emily sure looks like Audrey, doesn't she?!

I love the egg story. You are such a tenderhearted friend to the birdies. :)

Jaime said...

That birds nest is so interesting. let us know when the eggs hatch.

the grandkids look like they are having a great time.

Glad you are enjoying your washer/dryer, I can't wait until I have my own.

Ammo and Josh said...

Hi! Glad you found our blog! We are newbies at this bloggin stuff. Owning a washer and dryer sounds like such a LUXURY to me right now. We live downtown Seattle and have to go 11 floors down to do our laundry. The only perk is I can do 8 loads at once! Glad you are loving the new washer and dryer! xo AM and Josh

Rosanne said...

I love your blog page Jenny. You have such wonderful pictures and stories! I love the bird nest and little eggs!