Friday, July 25, 2008

Mark Has Skin Surgery, Again!!!

The last two days Mark has been having some pre-cancerous skin cells removed from his eyelid. They did it in two sittings. The first doctor removed the questionable skin cells, and the second doctor stitched him up. They had a different doctor stitch him up because he is an aesthetic skin surgeon. After the first surgery, they bandaged him up pretty good so as to keep mild pressure on the eyelid. Looks impressive, huh?

They only removed about 1/2 inch from the eylid so the stitches didn't take very long. He was under anesthesia so no pain during the surgery, but he is experiencing some mild pain now! He has been dealing with skin cancer for 30+ years now. He is very conscientious about having his skin checked regularly. So over the years he has had around 50+ surgeries! (I'd guesstimate!)


kelly said...

holy crow! 50?!

Rebecca said...

50+ surgeries???!! i knew it was a lot, but didn't know it was THAT much!

yes... having had cancer already in my twenties, my dermatoligist is pretty adament about me coming in twice a year. :(


Rebecca said...

p.s. i hope he recovers quickly and isn't in too much pain!

Ammo and Josh said...

WOW! 50 surgeries? That is absurd! So was he just under anesthesia and not put under?! I hope the pain goes away and he heals soon!

Mark and Jennifer said...

He was put under anesthesia -- I'm sure they didn't want him blinking during the procedure. 50+ surgeries sounds like a lot, however up until the last 3-4 years they mostly were just little ones -- sometimes they did several at a time. (In the beginning they mostly froze the skin cancer). 30+ years at 1-3 cuttings a year add up. Lately they have had to have a plastic surgeons involved. I tease him and tell him he'll never have to worry about wrinkles!

The J's said...

YIKES!!! Hope you recup quickly... we'll be praying for you at bedtimes!!

Our Beautiful Life said...

Yikes! Poor Grandpa! Glad he is doing ok, though!

Jaime said...

I can't believe he has had so many surgeries. Here is wishing you a speedy recovery Uncle Mark.

Unknown said...

What a trouper! Glad to hear he is doing okay!

The Dillon 6 said...

no fun. I'm glad he's getting it taken care of, though! A good reminder for SUNSCREEN and AVOIDING the sun! ;)