Monday, July 28, 2008


I was driving down 212th Street, in the valley, behind a truck that was carrying a load of stuff. I couldn't tell what it was exactly. Suddenly as he was going over the railroad tracks, something flew off the back of his truck and landed not too far in front of me. I was able to stop! It was way too big to drive over it. I got out and saw that it was a thick board with a very heavy metal pipe on top of it. Several cars were honking at me to "go", but stopped when they saw me carrying the big board to the center island. Then I got a thumbs up from the driver right behind me.

I also noticed that the driver of the truck carrying the load of loose materials had turned around and came back for his board. I think in the future he will be a lot more careful about his load and it reminded me of how important it is to pay attention to these kind of things!

Guess I'll have something to be very grateful for in my prayers tonight!


Jaime said...

I am glad that you weren't following too closesly, as so many drivers do behind big trucks carrying loads of material. I am thankful you are safe & had enough time to stop.

Unknown said...

Crazy! I am glad you are safe and okay!

The Dillon 6 said...

Holy COW! I sure hope you got his information! Especially lately in our great state, that's a HUGE no-no.

Glad you're safe!!!

Rebecca said...

bet your heart was pounding a little on that one! i agree... you're lucky you weren't following him any closer!