Friday, November 28, 2008


After a few days of pain in my abdomen, my doctor sent me for a CT scan Wednesday afternoon. They discovered that I had an inflamed appendix. The radiologists called my doctor and she said to "get it out" that night. When I got over to the ER the surgeon said well, we could just treat it with antibiotics and watch it or take it out now. Now, my doctor had said to get it out and she is usually pretty aggressive in my treatments. So, I spent Thanksgiving Eve and the better part of Thanksgiving Day in the hospital. It turns out it was a good thing they took it out when they did. So I am thankful for my doctor, my husband who went home that night and made the dressing for the turkey, and hospital personnel who made the stay special for every one who had to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving Day. The nurses were very cheerful, sweet and attentive even though they had to work on the holiday. They also had a husband and wife who had brought in their "therapy" dog for all the patients. He was a very sweet poodle. However he was very distracted by my tuna sandwich. The owners said he had been trained using tuna for a reward. I would have shared it with him, since I had no appetite, but of course the owners said "no". I'm thankful Mary and Brian cooked the turkey and good part of the dinner and had Thanksgiving dinner at their house and sent home leftovers that are so yummy. Thanks to Percocet I am feeling quite well!


Rebecca said...

well we are all thankful that you went in and had it checked so that you could have it taken care of before it became an even bigger problem! glad you're okay and we missed you on Thanksgiving! it's also nice that they made your stay at the hospital nice! :)

Our Beautiful Life said...

We definitely missed you but we are so glad it was caught in time! That's nice that they made your stay "homey" for the holiday!

Ammo and Josh said...

Wow! Way to be optimistic and grateful! I bet the hospital had some yummy jello and instant potatoes for Turkey dinner....mmmmm. Glad you got things taken care of and hope you recover swiftly!

The Dillon 6 said...

Ouchie is right!! I'm so glad you are doing better...and I'm grateful for the good care we get from doctors. I think sometimes we take it for granted...but compared to other parts of the world (LOTS of other parts), we are VERY blessed!!!

Speedy recovery!!

Jaime said...

So glad that you were taken care of, and that it didn't burst. Sorry you went through this, but at least it was before Christmas. :) Take care of yourself. We Love You!

The Mendenhall's said...

You forgot to tell everyone about how the hospital lost your clothes!!I bet it was a drafty ride home, those hospital gowns never stay closed. That is my favorite part of the story.

Mark and Jennifer said...

Yes,can you believe that? They found them the next day! And they felt really bad!

The Ward Family Tree and All of It's Branches! said...

Sorry to hear about your surgery. Glad everything is ok. Funny thing about the clothes. I will call you and get the long version of that. Ha!!